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Evergreen Gardenworks
Descriptive Catalog

Quercus,Salix,Taxodium, Tilia


Quercus (Oak)S\D\Ls\B Deciduous and evergreen trees. Our oaks are native to the West and the Mediterranean and require dry soil conditions in summer once established in the ground (with exceptions listed below). All are extremely drought resistant. Cold hardiness is listed for each species below. All are excellent for bonsai. Cork Oak has been long used for bonsai and develops its corky bark in about five years even when kept small. The other oaks have been mostly overlooked for bonsai, however we have been using them for this purpose for nearly a decade with impressive results. Please note that all require excellent drainage and bright light when used for bonsai. Oak root fungus is not a problem in bonsai situations if soil-less mixtures are used. For landscape use, Oak root fungus is a problem if trees are frequently watered in summer after they are established.

7960 Quercus chrysolepis (Canyon Live Oak, Gold Cup Oak) 0ø Evergreen tree to 25 feet usually, but some stands are taller. Similar to Coast Live Oak except that the leaves are entire (smooth) with a prickle on the tip. Young trees will have almost all holly like leaves changing to entire leaves as they get older, however most trees will have at least a few holly shaped leaves. The acorns are short and fat with a large almost corky cap covered with bright yellow dust, thus the name Gold Cup. Long used for bonsai in this country. These are a bit slow in containers and will be smaller than our other oaks in the 2 3/4 inch pot size. Leaf reduction to about one inch or less is quite easy. These make remarkable bonsai if one has the patience to grow them out for five to ten years.

7980 Quercus dumosa (Scrub Oak) -10ø Evergreen shrub or small tree to 10 feet. Very small holly- like leaves and very slow growth make this a good choice for a small Oak bonsai. Landscape use is limited. The one gallon size, when available, have been pruned to make 4 to 10 inch bonsai, very nice. Despite their slow growth these will trunk up pretty quickly, making a nice shohin in five years or so with a one inch trunk caliper.
2 3/4 INCH POTS $18


8010 Quercus lobata (Valley Oak) -40ø Deciduous tree to 70 feet with equal spread, the most spectacular and best known of the California Oaks. Small, lobed 'Oak' leaves deep green turning yellow in late fall on massive branches that sometimes reach the ground. Long lived, drought resistant, tolerating little summer water. An excellent bonsai species. With diligent training small trees can imitate their massive ancestors. Our 2 3/4 inch pot size will be tall thin stems with all their leaves at the top. This is how the young plants grow. They should be grown out for several years without pruning to develop the trunk and then cut back. They bud back very nicely.
2 3/4 INCH POTS $18

SIX INCH POTS $40 Available May 2025. ORDER NOW!

8030 Quercus suber (Cork Bark Oak) 0ø Evergreen tree to 70 feet or more. Native of the Mediterranean region. Small wavy gray green leaves and corky bark that is still used for wine bottles. Can tolerate summer water and makes a fine lawn or street tree for the west. Excellent for bonsai tolerating hard top and root pruning. The corky bark (pictured) is a fantastic addition to bonsai. These are quite fast growing and can be used for larger bonsai if grown out for five to ten years.
2 3/4 INCH POTS $18

Quercus suber bark

Salix (Willow) S\PS\M\W\-30ø\RG\Ls\B Deciduous trees and shrubs. Nearly all Willows are fast growing moisture loving plants. Many have weeping or prostrate habit. We have selected those species that we have found to make outstanding rock garden, landscape, and bonsai plants. Many people will be surprised to learn that there are many willows that are absolutely prostrate, forming large flat mats of foliage and stems. For the most part it is these types and alpine varieties that make the best bonsai. All of the dwarfs are best grown with protection from afternoon sun in hottest driest areas. Because of their rapid growth all willows used for bonsai require frequent repotting.

8245 Salix babylonica 'Yatsubusa'(Dwarf Weeping Willow) A miniature weeping willow for a small area or for bonsai. We have not grown out this tree and do not know its ultimate size. Its leaves and branches are about half size.
  SIX INCH POTS $40 Available May 2025. ORDER NOW!

8255 Salix arctica A dwarf mounding willow to 12 inches x 18 inches with silver catkins and small leaves. A clear favorite for bonsai and rock garden. It is dwarf, but not prostrate when kept to a small size, and the leaves are quite congested on the branches making a perfect little tree. Slow growing. We formerly listed this species as Salix 'Lohbrenner'
2 3/4 INCH POTS $18



9300 Taxodium distichum (Bald Cypress) S\M\D\W\-30ø\Ls\B Deciduous conifer tree. A remarkably adaptable tree as can be seen from the codes. It is drought resistant, yet it can actually grow in standing water, where it will form 'knees' or conical exposed roots. Relative of the Redwoods and the Dawn Redwood. A fast growing tree to 100 feet is pyramidal in youth becoming flat topped with age. Delicate needle-like foliage turns orange and drops in the fall. Its fine foliage and buttressed trunk make it an excellent subject for bonsai. Small containerized trees rarely form knees. Our 2 3/4 inch pot trees are relatively straight and pruned down to about 16 inches tall. One gallon trees are straight and pruned down to about 16 inches repeatedly with trunk calipers of about 3/4 inch. In winter these plants will be unbranched since Bald Cypress will drop young branches each year for some time before beginning to form woody branches.
2 3/4 INCH POTS $18

9510 Tilia cordata (Little Leaf Linden) S\M\-30ø\Ls\B A handsome deciduous tree to about 30 feet with heart shaped leaves. Very heat resistant but needs moisture. Leaves reduce nicely and it forms a thick trunk quickly making it a very nice bonsai subject. Our one gallon size are pruned down to about 12 inches tall, well branched with about 1/2 caliper trunks.


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