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Ulmus, Wisteria, Zelkova

Ulmus (Elm) S\PS\M\Ls\B Elms occur throughout the northern hemisphere from the depths of Siberia to the swamps of North America. Most are deciduous trees, however some are evergreen in mild climates. We specialize in smaller elms for bonsai although almost any of them will also make nice small ornamental trees. All have lance shaped pleated leaves and round flat seeds. Most prefer moist situations although many of Ulmus parvifolia are also drought resistant. All of Ulmus parvifolia are resistant to Dutch Elm Disease and in bonsai situations DED is not a problem anyhow. Elms are a traditional bonsai plant and most will make spectacular thick trunked specimen in only 5 to 10 years. Ulmus p. 'Corticosa'

9580 Ulmus americana var floridaianum (Florida American Elm) S\M\+20ø\Ls\B Similar to american elm except the leaves are smaller and more delicate making it another elm ideally suited for bonsai. . 2 3/4 inch pot size are relatively straight and pruned to about 16 inches tall. This variety is not cold tolerant and must be kept above 20F in winter. It has a very twiggy growth habit not unlike Zelkova serrata. Together with the reduced leaf size, it can make a very handsome mame or shohin The bark is light brown and slightly furrowed. Photo is coming.
2 3/4 INCH POTS $18

9590 Ulmus crassifolia (Cedar Elm) S\M\-20ø\Ls\B Similar to american elm in its requirements this is another elm ideally suited for bonsai. It has the smallest leaves of any native elm, and they may be reduced to under 3/4 inch in bonsai situations. The leaves pictured here are full size leaves. The ends of the twigs are often corky, the bark is light brown and will furrow into ridges. The fall color is a wonderful mix of red and orange not unlike the fabulous color of Korean Hornbeam. 2 3/4 inch pot size are relatively straight and pruned to about 16 inches tall. Trunk caliper about 1/4 inch or more.
2 3/4 INCH POTS $18

Ulmus parvifolia (Chinese Elm) S\M\-10ø\RG\Ls\B Deciduous (semi-evergreen) trees. We grow dwarf and ornamental Chinese Elms mainly for bonsai, however they can also make nice small landscape trees if staked until they can support their branches which may take 5-10 years. These are all trouble free, easy to grow trees. They prefer full sun and well drained soil. Brown scale may be a problem in some areas, but is easily treated. The small leaves and corky bark (of some cultivars) are very attractive. The real beauty of these trees is their performance in a bonsai pot or other container after trunk development. They can quickly achieve a 3 inch or greater trunk in about 5 years with deeply fissured corky bark when planted in the ground. They are easily top and root pruned and respond dramatically to root bound conditions where leaf size and node spacing is reduced to one half inch or less. They should be repotted every 2-3 years. A Seiju Elm field grown for 5 years will easily develop a 4 inch trunk and may be spring dug and placed immediately into a bonsai pot with spectacular results. Cutting grown plants. All of these elms are resistant to Dutch Elm Disease.

9600 Ulmus parvifolia 'Catlin' Very shiny 1 1/2 inch green leaves that will reduce to less than one inch. Smooth gray bark that slightly roughens and flakes with great age just like the species. Nice horizontal branching. Evergreen to about 20ø. If grown out may reach 15 feet. One of the very best elms for small bonsai due to the nice twiggy branching and small deep green leaves. Slow to form a larger trunk, but can make a nice forest planting.
2 3/4 INCH POTS $18

9605 Ulmus parvifolia 'Catlin Contorted' A fantastically congested sport of 'Catlin'. In older plants the nodes are stacked up to 15 per inch. The leaves are the same shiny green but are only 1/2inch. 10 year old plants are 12-18 inches tall (bottom photo). The stems are slightly contorted. Very rare. Due to the extremely slow growth our 2 3/4 inch pot size plants will only be about 2 inches tall. The picture is a ten year old plant taken in winter. It is approximately one foot tall. We have been having a great deal of difficulty getting these plants to a saleable size and getting these to a larger size can be tricky. HERE is a link to the special care sheet for this cultivar. The top photo is representative of the plants in 2 3/4 inch pots.
2 3/4 INCH POTS $40
FOUR INCH POTS $65 Available May 2025

Catlin Contorted 2 3/4 inch
Catlin Contorted

9610 Ulmus parvifolia 'Corticosa' (Corkbark Chinese Elm) Large 1 1/2 to 2 inch, light green leaves that reduce nicely. Bright yellow fall color. Corky bark begins to appear at 8-10 years and is gray. Full size may be 15-20 feet. Fast growing, tough. Pictured is the bark of a ten year old tree that has been field grown. Note the quarter in the lower right quadrant for reference (click the picture to enlarge). This cultivar is better for larger bonsai where its leaves will be in scale and the bark will have a chance to fully mature.

Corticosa bark

9650 Ulmus parvifolia 'Seiju' This sport of 'Hokkaido' was introduced by Carl Young of Lodi California. It has all the good qualities of 'Hokkaido' in a larger plant. The leaves (lower picture) are identical except they are about 1/2 inch and the plant may reach about 10 feet if planted out. It has the same deeply fissured corky/warty bark (upper picture) that begins roughening in about 2 years. The wood is stronger and more flexible and can be wired. Grows quickly, about 18 inches a year. This cultivar is best for Shohin through medium sized bonsai. It should be large enough to allow the bark to fully develop, but also can be grown to six inch caliper is a reasonable amount of time.
2 3/4 INCH POTS $18 Available May 2025

FOUR INCH POTS $27 Available May 2025 
Seiju bark


9670 Ulmus parvifolia 'Fuiri' 1 to 1 1/2 inch variegated leaves that are light green thinly edged with silver frosting. New leaves are very pale lime green and silvery and retain this look until late spring when they turn darker green retaining their thin silvery edge. Bark is smooth gray roughening slightly with great age. Slower than the cork types to trunk up due to the lack of the cork adding to the caliper but growing about as fast as the species. This plant can also make a very handsome landscape plant. Probable ultimate height is 30 feet. One of the very nicest elm bonsai in our nursery is Ulmus p. 'Fuiri'. The leaves reduce nicely and it gets very twiggy. The silver edging on the leaves is not very noticeable, but the lime green new growth is stunning. Bud break is prolific in spring, even on very old wood.
FOUR INCH POTS $27 Available May 2025


9680 Ulmus parvifolia 'Yatsubusa' Another Carl Young introduction (see 'Seiju' above) with very interesting elongated medium green leaves to 1 1/2 inches. It has the corky bark similar to 'Seiju' but takes a little longer to develop, but it grows a little faster. Ultimate height is perhaps 8-10 feet.
2 3/4 INCH POTS $18 Available May 2025. ORDER NOW!



Wisteria S\M\-30\RG\Ls\B Deciduous woody vines. Probably the most popular flowering vine, with long pendulous racemes of fragrant flowers from pure white to deep purple. Needs full sun, but not picky about soil conditions. Do not fertilize established plants as excess nitrogen can interfere with bloom (except for bonsai).

Seedlings are slow to flower, sometimes taking seven years or more. Plants for landscape and bonsai use should be either cutting grown or grafted to ensure ability to flower well and in the desired color.Cutting grown plants are hard to find and take longer to establish a good root crown and tapered trunk, but will not have visible graft unions.

Young plants should be allowed to grow freely to establish a structure after which new growth and streamers should be continually removed to control the shape and size. This is no mean task, therefore it is best to train Wisteria in a fashion that can be easily reached with hand pruners. Flowers are borne on spurs (short stubby side growth packed with buds) that should not be disturbed.

The two most common species are W. sinensis or Chinese Wisteria, that blooms in early spring before the foliage emerges making a spectacular flower display, and W. floribunda or Japanese Wisteria which blooms in April to May after the foliage has appeared. All colors are available in either species.

We have been having propagation problems growing these from cuttings and hope to have more in 2023

9975 Zelkova serrata S\M\-20ø\Ls\B Deciduous tree. Moderate growth to 60 feet, pleated 2-3 inch leaves reduce nicely for bonsai. Similar, and related to Elms, the mature trees have the same outline as American Elm but is resistant to Dutch Elm Disease. Smooth gray bark for many years eventually roughens, good yellow to dark red fall color. Used extensively for bonsai, where leaves may be reduced easily to 1 inch and branching becomes very twiggy. Excellent subject for forest plantings as well as specimen bonsai. Seedlings
2 3/4 INCH POTS $18
Zelkova Fall Color

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