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Evergreen Gardenworks
Descriptive Catalog

Juniperus, Liquidambar, Luma


Juniperus chinensis (Juniper) S\M\-20ø\RG\Ls\B Evergreen coniferous shrubs with green to blue green needle-like or scaly foliage and blue berries (which are in reality, single seeded fleshy cones). Tough drought resistant plants that have been the mainstay of the landscaping business. Most of the varieties listed below have been used for centuries as bonsai in Japan. All junipers prefer well drained soil. We have listed 'Shimpaku' and its relatives under Juniperus chinensis according to Hortus III (1976). However, they June also be found as J. x media according to Krussman (1972). A bonsai 'Shimpaku' is pictured right. Juniperus chinensis 'Shimpaku'

5450 Juniperus chinensis 'Shimpaku' (Shimpaku Juniper) The classic Japanese bonsai species. Deep green soft scaly foliage to about 3 feet x 6 feet makes a very dense flat mound. Pinching the tips keeps it very compact. Excellent rock garden plant. Our 2 3/4 inch pot size plants are one to two year old cuttings and grown as whips, so that you can either prune them to force branching or wire them for kengai (cascades). Four inch size plants, when available, are exceptional plants pruned and shaped to about 8 inches with moving upright trunks and about 1/2 inch caliper. Our one gallon size plants have been grown out and pruned back to about 16 inches but are unshaped with 5/8 to 3/4 inch trunk caliper.

5455 Juniperus chinensis 'Kishu Shimpaku' Similar to 'Shimpaku' but smaller and tighter foliage. From near the city of Kishu in Japan, very hard to find.

5460 Juniperus chinensis 'Itoigawa Shimpaku' This Shimpaku is quite different from the above. It is a bright green color and the foliage is smaller, stiffer and more open when left unpruned. Pinched regularly it will be similar in appearance to Shimpaku except for its bright green color. It develops a trunk slightly faster than 'Shimpaku'. Rare.

Available October 2025 ORDER NOW!




5935 Liquidambar orientalis (Oriental Sweetgum) S\M\0ø\Ls\B Similar to our native L. styraciflua except with smaller leaves and coarser, darker bark. Fall color varies from yellow to red. Our plants are cutting grown and are therefore identical. Used extensively for bonsai in Japan. This plant is much more amenable to bonsai than our native sweetgum. It is easier to control, and capable of better leaf reduction and ramification. Very showy bark scales are achievable on larger bonsai. Our 2 3/4 inch pot size are pruned down to about 6 to 10 inches and will usually have moving (not straight) trunks since they are cutting grown.


5945 Luma apiculata (Peruvian Myrtle) S\PS\M\D\15ø\Ls\B Evergreen shrub. Grows quickly to 6 feet then slows down. Dark green foliage, white flowers and dark fruits, characteristics that all resemble Myrtle. Flowers from mid-summer to fall. Older plants develop beautiful smooth creamy brown trunks that should be revealed. Fairly drought resistant. Should make a wonderful bonsai since it develops a thick trunk very quickly, and withstands container culture. The Luma pictured here is our FOUR INCH POT size, or what you can expect after about two to three years from our smaller pots. It has just been pruned to reveal the interesting trunk movement attainable with this species. 2 3/4 inch pot size will usually have moving trunks, although you can specify if you prefer a straight trunk (yuck!). They are pruned down to about 8 inches and will have greater than 1/4 inch caliper. These are nice vigorous plants, very strong growing.
FOUR INCH POTS $27 Available May 2025
SIX INCH POTS  $40 Available May 2025

Luma Flowers


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